They are those who add the much-needed touch of charm to your products and services. They are those who help the audience decide whether an investment is worth it or not. Yes, we are talking about digital marketing agencies. As we all know, the internet has dramatically modified the structure of commercial businesses. This has eventually given birth to new professions, and online marketing is one of the most prominent examples. In the following paragraphs, we will first remember what this particular type of business is about. Then we will investigate three of the most popular digital marketing agencies.
What is a Digital Marketing Agency?
Do you happen to work or have worked with one of those? If so, you already know that a digital marketing agency is a sort of advertising company that uses primarily online strategies. As a matter of fact, the exact scope of activity is quite hard to define here. This is because a digital agency usually deals with a broad set of tasks. So it can accomplish many things on your behalf. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of the services that you can get as a customer:
A digital marketing company can most typically assist you in creating your major online tools, such as your website and/or app.
- Digital Marketing can take charge of your brand from A to Z (creation, development, campaign, etc.).
- It can provide guidance for your social media tactics and content management.
- It can offer an effective roadmap for search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (pay-per-click, etc.).
More concretely speaking, do you already have a favorite internet marketing company? You may also be simply wondering about the options that are at your disposal. It’s a shame that we don’t have a tie-breaker here. Why? Well, there are currently many companies that are racing hard to become the best digital marketing agency. And it seems that the Top 10 never remains exactly the same. Nevertheless, let’s just zoom in on some of the big bosses.

Would we sound too cheesy if we said that Dopinger is… dope? That skyrocket born in 2019 has already managed to become one of the most promising digital marketing agencies. Based in Edmonton, London, it is active worldwide and especially in Turkey. The company assures that you will feel cocooned from the beginning to the end. Even a quick look at the company’s website is enough to get a taste of professionalism. There is a particular emphasis on the nonstop support and the know-how of the team. Dopinger cares about different user-profiles and budgets. There are three main work plans: Starter, Standard, and Enterprise. The monthly prices are respectively 299 USD, 499 USD, and negotiable offers for the Enterprise package. You may find a detailed list of features in the ‘Prices’ section of the site’s homepage for each of them. For those who want a teaser:
- Starter work plan:
If you go for this one, you will get research for ten keywords, monthly reporting, meta-analysis, and search engine configurations. Additionally, you benefit from malicious link detection, competitor word analysis, various SEO tools, social media support, among many others. So this plan is already enough to cover your major needs.
- Standard work plan:
This one includes all the goodies of the Starter plan. The research is extended to 30 keywords, and the reporting frequency becomes weekly. This kind of plan also offers local SEO and special premium backlinks.
- Enterprise work plan:
With this advanced option, you can research up to 100 keywords. You have access to the most sophisticated utilities, such as internal linking strengthening, Cloudflare optimization, tag controls, and much more.

Ignite Visibility
Another bullet of the sector. This leading digital marketing firm was created in 2013 and has its headquarters in San Diego, California. Winner of several awards so far, it is undoubtedly a role model for all digital marketing agencies.
Have some of you already tried the company’s PR (public relations) services? Ignite Visibility has a solid reputation indeed when it comes to connecting businesses efficiently to their consumers. The online marketing campaigns are very well-thought and aimed at engaging the audience through call-to-actions. They include creative and playful initiatives like photo, video, essay-writing contests, and even sweepstakes.
The internet marketing agency’s website displays more than a dozen of services. Within the limits of this article, we will only pick the salient ones. For example, the Californian enterprise has a renowned PPC (pay-per-click) methodology. It collaborates with prestigious companies (Microsoft and Lancer Skincare, among others). The expert staff even teaches at the University of California. Long story short, you can’t go wrong with such a next-level advertising system. You can contact them via their website to get a highly personalized audit and see what to expect.
SEO is, of course, another specialty of Ignite Visibility. As a client, you work with a sort of personal coach who is fully dedicated to your project. You get a true follow-up on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Local or international SEO, it doesn’t matter. The company responds to every single need of yours and guarantees optimum ROI (return on investment).
Let’s not forget social media management. With Ignite visibility, you can build a holistic strategy. The staff helps you choose the most suitable channel for your niche, takes care of your advertisements and infographics. Not to mention a powerful digital PR and backlink management, which will boost your overall network.

We can definitely not skip this veteran digital advertising agency. Based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it’s active since 1995. With an outstanding range of services, it’s still an undeniable source of inspiration for many other digital marketing companies.
Along with all-inclusive SEO packages, WebFX proposes flexible PPC plans. Mindful of local specificities as much as precision, the company also makes effective use of geofencing. Locating your prospects and competitors becomes easier than ever.
Do you need a personal assistant? Here comes WebFX again. It provides you with high-level UX (user experience) website design possibilities while taking care of every single connex detail. You become able to fully optimize your conversion rate, landing pages, and funnels. We don’t even need to mention their long-time proven content marketing services. When it comes to commerce platforms, not all digital marketing agencies can compete with WebFX. Shopify, Facebook Marketplace, Walmart Marketplace, Amazon… the list is long. The company gives you the best productivity weapons for each of those platforms.
TLDR for Top Digital Marketing Agencies
Digital marketing agencies are likely to be the best friends of any entrepreneur. Sounds exaggerated? Well, just think about all the load that they can lift off from your shoulders. From SEO to email marketing, you get everything done by qualified personnel. They can make you and your business look much better than you would by yourself. So why not giving a chance to those professional image makers?
Frequently Asked Questions About
Social media platforms are certainly free. Your agency’s recommendation is related to additional paid services, such as ad campaigns. You don’t have any obligation to use them. However, keep in mind that they can provide an extra boost to your online visibility. Your products and services can be better promoted through ads.
We would say yes. Digital marketing agencies are able to take care of many aspects at once. You get professional support in terms of knowledge, technology, financial resources, in-depth analyses of several hidden factors, etc. In the long term, it happens to be much more profitable than working on your own.
Native advertising refers to sponsored content that blends with the overall style of the platform on which it is hosted. Basically, it’s a non-intrusive and discreet type of advertisement.
B2B, B2C, … actually, there is not any predefined limit. It will mostly depend on the specialization of each agency. But overall, it is pretty safe to say that almost everyone can hire the services of such firms.
Honestly, the amount varies from one company to another. We have given the example of Dopinger in the article, but every agency has its own pricing policy. Plus, the budget is often customized according to each client. It is thus best to consult directly with your marketing agency.
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