Social Media Marketing Tips for 2024

We see social media marketing tips here and there. But, why exactly is it so common and popular? First and foremost, let’s remember the current number of daily active users on the most popular social media marketing platforms:

  • 1.9 billion for Facebook
  • 600 million for TikTok
  • 500 million for Instagram
  • 206 million for Twitter
  • 123 million for YouTube

(These estimations may vary from one source to the other and are different from monthly statistics).

Why should you care about these numbers? Could it be because they represent your potential clientele? Bingo. You may be refusing to have any personal account on social media due to privacy reasons or else. That’s totally understandable. However, when it comes to professional and promotional usage, we suggest you think twice or even thrice. Modern marketing is hardly dissociable from social media. To this day, there’s no other medium known to work faster on such a large scale. Let’s modify the old saying a little bit here. Through social networks, you get the chance to capture many ‘birds’ with one stone.

Now, what about our readers who are already aware of all those facts? There’s nothing to do but congratulate them. The unique thing to add would come again from another old saying: ‘The only constant in life is change.’ As we are about to terminate the first quarter of the 21st century, social media is probably prone to evolution more than ever, right? What we mean is that formulas that tended to work 5 years ago may be outdated today. So our guide will explore the latest social media marketing tips to adopt here and now in 2024. Browse the rest of the article to discover what each of these top platforms can bring to your business.

How to Use Social Media for Marketing

We ought to start with a few generalities here. In effect, some of the basic social media marketing tips remain the same regardless of the chosen platform(s). Did you know that no less than 93% of marketers worldwide are making use of social media for their business? It’s safe to bet that all those tycoons-to-be follow some common rules. These are what define the best practices for social media under almost any circumstance. For instance:

  • Choosing the most appropriate platform(s). Here’s an aspect that deserves serious reflection. You certainly don’t have to limit yourself to one and only platform. But do you really need to use them all, though? Probably not. Your choice must be somewhat harmonious with your goals, target audience, niche, and communication skills. Believe it or not, a tweet is not the same thing as a TikTok story. Or senior customers do probably have way different preferences and habits than junior ones. So take the time to study carefully your audience’s engagement styles as well as your own brand image.
  • Being interactive. This is another invariable. Independently of your business type, you should keep in touch with your audience. So read their posts, leave comments, and always stay available enough to answer their questions. You can’t hope to sell anything to anyone if you are ghosting them. Interactivity also goes hand in hand with palpable presence. Make sure to demonstrate active participation by posting on a daily basis.
  • Providing real value. Your social media activity should always serve a precise purpose. Every post of yours should be linked to your product or service one way or the other. Be careful, though, to not fall into parroting and spamming. Do your best to stay stylish and subtle enough while always providing truly useful information to your followers.

Marketing Tips for Facebook

As said in the introduction, we will now get into specifics. The goal is to try and comprehend what each platform can bring to your commercial activities. Giants first. Yes, we will naturally start with the famous networking service owned by the multinational company freshly rebaptized as Meta. Today more than 200 million businesses are using Facebook. Wonder why? Here’s a sample of the features proposed by the platform:

facebook marketing

Emotional Connection Enhancers

The title may sound somewhat forced, but it actually isn’t. Facebook has been well aware of the importance of human connection since it was first created. The underlying idea is that social media advertising works much better when it nudges people through their emotions. That’s why one of the most recommended formats is storytelling. Facebook Stories or written narratives livened up with some pictures. You decide. The thing is to catch your audience’s attention with some unusual and pleasurable material… without making it look like an ad.
How about using a ‘mood barometer’ to better empathize with your public? Sentiment analysis tools can help you with that. Depending on the results, you will know whether you are on the right path or need to modify your content. All in all, it’s a practical way to understand the needs and expectations of your audience.

Open Graph

Why would the usage of this protocol count as one of the social media marketing tips to adopt? The answer is clean visuality. Facebook is, above all, a sharing environment. Your content will circulate and be displayed all over it, especially if your brand has many followers. This also applies to the external links (for example, those from your company website) that you share on the platform. Thanks to Open Graph and its standardized meta tags, you won’t encounter any quality problems. Your links will be compatible with Facebook’s interface and look good enough to be reshared by others.

Ad Library

Explore the depths of the Facebook advertising system limitlessly. This archive was first created to calm down some political debates regarding the platform’s transparency. Whereas now, it has become a kind of marketing bible. Thanks to it, you can access all the paid ads hosted on Facebook and related sites like Instagram. You may track many details, from their creation date and sources to any history of modification. Overall, you got a huge database to gain new perspectives and inspiration from successful undertakings, including those from your competitors. Then, you can create your own Facebook ads and start spreading the word!

Profile Management

Appearances do matter on Facebook. So exit sloppy looks and wishy-washy descriptions. You are on a platform where your professional success grandly depends on the image you are reflecting outward. If necessary, reorganize your whole profile and give it a new lease on life. Think about a simpler arrangement for your tabs and delete any superfluous details. People should be able to navigate your page effortlessly.
As for your descriptions and any other written information, always opt for maximum professionalism. For example, you may apply some core SEO principles into the ‘About’ and ‘Additional Information’ sections. Fill them in with optimized content, including the most relevant keywords to your specific activity.

Marketing Tips for Instagram

So what about the subsidiary company Instagram? Just like its ‘mother’ Facebook, it’s a place where one can fulfill many social media goals. Notably, thanks to the following:

instagram marketing

Business Account

Do you want to hear one of the most old-fashioned social media marketing tips ever? Get a business account. As simplistic as it may sound, it’s actually something still often overlooked by some marketers. Do yourself a favor and level up to a version that offers many marketing opportunities. Like what? Access to Instagram Insights, call to action (CTA) buttons directly on your profile, ability to insert social ads within the app… And these are just a few appetizers.


Giveaways are closely associated with Instagram. So much so that they became some sort of rite of passage for any business aiming at winning its spurs. Indeed, there are many implications lying under those apparent acts of generosity. First, it’s about being confident enough to deliver your products for free. A pretty charismatic way to say, ‘Hey, don’t miss the opportunity to seize my valuable gifts.’ Plus, giveaways act like special events that may generate more engagement. For example, you can set some rules, such as the obligation to interact daily with your posts to be eligible. So while waiting for the prize, your followers would have to keep an eye on your activity. A clever strategy to make them familiarize themselves with your brand even further.

Cross-Promotion Tools

Expand your horizon by taking your Insta attitude everywhere. Do you have a website, a blog, or a channel on some other platform? Make your Instagram profile infiltrate them with icons and pop-ups. Your visitors will be redirected to your Instagram page and hopefully subscribe to it by clicking on them. These kinds of cross-promotional social media marketing tips still work more than fine in 2024.

Shopping Posts

Here’s another social media branding plan for Business and Creator accounts. As the name suggests, the Shopping feature is a more straightforward marketing approach. It allows you to tag up to 5 products on your posts (either images or videos). This number can go up to 20 for Carousel posts. In sum, it’s a handy way to make your audience discover your merchandise directly on their feed.

Marketing Tips for Twitter

Are you a fan of this most bite-sizeable social media platform? You are right to be so. Twitter has a bunch of good tricks up its sleeve that can make you lead successful social media campaigns.

twitter marketing


We all know that Twitter is the ultimate hashtag paradise. You can be sure that the famous #formulas are still an effective over-the-counter method to go for. They don’t require much expertise or resources. Just some powers of observation. For instance, you can pick some of the currently viral and ready-to-use hashtags. These are usually in relation to hot topics. So if you think they fit your business theme, include them in your posts.
Additionally, you should also design your own ones. Keep them simple, understandable, yet catchy. Online tools like All Hashtag or HashtagsforLikes can help you find the right ones. Caution, though: Don’t overuse them unless you want to become a telegraphic mumbler.

Professional Account

Going back to what we have already said for Instagram, getting involved in social media for business requires some specific adjustments. Your brand and marketing efforts will be much more credible with a professional account. It will give you access to Quick Promote (thus the opportunity for sponsoring tweets) and advanced management tools.


Twitter Moments are those story-like compilations that bind together several tweets. They can give a panoramic view or recap of some significant aspects related to your business. For example, they may retrace the history of a certain product of yours, reminding the circumstances under which it was born, etc. It’s also a way to revive older posts and draw attention to them.

Marketing Tips for YouTube

As a social platform, Facebook may have the most crowded daily audience. But YouTube is still the second most visited site globally (right behind owner Google). Do you happen to be in an industry that has a suitable profile for video marketing? Then we suggest you keep reading this section.

Business-Centered Channel

Needless to say, a sustainable presence on YouTube makes the creation of a channel mandatory. This will be like the headquarters of your marketing program on the platform. It’s better to run it under a Brand Account rather than a personal Google account. Among other advantages, this option will allow your colleagues and collaborators to manage the channel when necessary. It’s also handier for gathering several channels under the same roof, in case you want to do so someday.
That’s it. You are ready to start broadcasting your business.

youtube ads

YT Ads

Ads are resolutely in every single corner of the web. Such is the case for YouTube as well. Select the type that suits your general social media content strategy best. Like, if you are more of the chatty kind and have some cinematographic skills, then go for video ads. Aiming for something more discreet? Think about some banner ads. Depending on your level of insistence, you can make your ads either skippable after 5 seconds or unskippable.

Social Listening

This one is not specific to YouTube, but a video-sharing site is probably the best place to practice it. Simply put, social listening is all about tracking the impression left by your brand. See and (of course) listen to what other people and brands think about you, your business, and your marketing campaigns. Browse videos, comments, and chats to find any possible mentions. Collecting those opinions and feedback can be incredibly useful for guiding your next steps.

Marketing Tips for TikTok

Last but not least, one of the newest superstars of the social media universe. Do you already have an account on TikTok? Either way, see how the social media marketing tips listed below can give you a hand in there.

Analytics Feed

No, TikTok is definitely not only someplace dedicated to random fun. It actually offers meticulous instruments to measure your impact. Analytics is one of them. You will first need to switch to a Pro account to access it. Then every single detail you need to know about your performance will be at your disposal. Analytics will inform you about the total number of comments, likes, and shares earned through your profile. Moreover, you will better understand which type and portion of your videos affect your final performance results.

social media marketing tips

Video Interactions

Without a doubt, video material is where TikTok shines the most. To be more exact and fair, what TikTok delivers is actually more than just videos. It takes the whole experience to a brand new level with innovative designs and intercommunication possibilities. With Duet, you can record your own video on other people’s videos. With Stitch, you have the opportunity to patch scenes from existing videos on your current footage. You may even video reply to the comments displayed on posts. Imagine all the potential benefits in terms of engagement and increased proximity with your community.


Live events should be one of your priorities on any social media platform and all the more on TikTok. Interacting in real-time with your audience has countless advantages. Above all, it makes you and your brand seem less anonymous, more ‘alive’, more accessible. Your level of trustworthiness and credibility will increase consequently. Plus, such events have the merit to clarify things for your prospects and customers. You answer questions straight away, resolve any possible misunderstanding or doubts, and can show more details related to your products.

Final Reflections

We have given an overview of some social media marketing tips to make your business take off in 2024. As you can see yourself, most of them are essentially about creativity and dedication. So before anything else, consider it both a fun activity and an integral part of your daily life. Take the time to examine each platform and the respective features to determine which ones fit the spirit of your projects. At the end of the day, it’s nothing but a matter of knowing. Knowing yourself, your brand, audience, and instruments. Once that is done, social media becomes your own pool of limitless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions About

Yes. One of the noteworthy advantages of networking services is that they allow you to anticipate, plan, and postpone to your convenience. This is especially helpful when you are managing several accounts, be it those of your customers or your own. You may give a try to programming tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer, or SocialPilot (among others).

It really depends on the platform and tools you are using, as well as your budget. A very approximative average is around $15 per day. Of course, this amount can get much bigger with more advanced advertising plans. We suggest you start small and wait to get a clear idea about the profitability of your business.

Every agency has its own pricing policy. However, be ready to pay at least 10% of the total ad buy.

Yes, most of them are. Furthermore, social media is actually the best place where small businesses can build an audience from scratch.

There’s no definitive answer here. Nevertheless, most specialists recommend no more than 3 platforms at once. More is certainly possible but can become overwhelming though, especially for those working mostly alone.

Margrit Aksu
Margrit Aksu

Posts: 95

Margrit Aksu, a graduate of English Literature, is passionate about the English language. As she dived deeper into this language, writing, creating and editing articles became her passion. That's why she has been working as an SEO Content Editor at Dopinger digital marketing agency since 2021. Bes... Read More
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