The marketing calendar is a roadmap for your marketing activities that shows when you need to complete them, how much time you have to achieve your goals. It may take some time to create this calendar, which consists of a one-year plan. But the result will be worth it; thanks to creating a marketing calendar, you will be able to coordinate all your team members and manage your yearly budget.
If you want to take advantage of this method, which is very effective in running your marketing campaigns, keep reading our article because we have prepared a very detailed guide for you!
Why is a Marketing Calendar Important?
A marketing calendar is very important as it prevents the planned marketing activities from getting mixed up and ensures that time is well managed. To elaborate a little more; marketing calendars prevent marketing activities from being messy. While the marketing calendar prepared in a planned way, the members of the team will be more efficient in making the necessary preparations by seeing the stages and processes of the activities to be carried out within the planned time. A marketing calendar is very important in the development process of effective marketing strategies.
We can summarize the importance of the marketing calendar under 3 main headings:
- It allows you to be organized and planned.
- Allows for a stable operating process.
- Provides predictability.
How to Create a Marketing Calendar
First of all, you need to know what kind of marketing calendar you are preparing. There are four main types of marketing calendars:

Content Marketing Calendar
A content marketing calendar is a tool that allows you to run your content marketing activities in a timely and efficient manner. For the content marketing calendar, we can also say that it acts as a guide where you can see your content marketing activities based on a calendar. It’s important to consider that a quality content marketing calendar can help you organize your content marketing strategy and produce efficient results.

Blog Calendar
It is for you to keep the content you produce for your target audience together. In this calendar type, you will take more consistent steps to gain more readers. With more readers, you will take an important step towards expanding the awareness of your brand. With the spread of your brand awareness, certainly the number of your product sales or users of your products will increase.

Social Media Marketing Calendar
The social media calendar is a tool where the social media posts you plan to do are arranged by date. Surely, you can expand your audience with the relevant posts you will make toward the goal that you have set regularly. Also, it is possible to easily access examples and templates for the social media calendar over the web.

E-Mail Marketing Calendar
It helps you develop and follow your marketing strategies—ideal for situations where you might forget what to send people and when. It’s important to remember that the email marketing calendar is just as important a factor in your productivity and regularity as any other marketing calendar.
After learning about the types of marketing calendars, let’s talk about how to creating a marketing calendar. Here are the steps to follow!
- Choose Where To Create Your Marketing Calendar: Our first step is to decide where to set up your calendar. Using pen and paper is also an option for this. But you still need to create an electronic version of your marketing calendar, just in case.
- Set Your Goals: Before you prepare your calendar, you need to outline your goals in mind. To be able to write something on your calendar, focus on what you want to achieve. This will help you with what strategies to reach your goal.
- Determine Your Strategy: You need to know what strategies to add to your marketing calendar. By figuring out what works best, you can make your own way. This will improve your marketing and analytics skills. Afterward, by adding your strategy to your calendar, you will open your navigation.
- Target Audience: Once you’ve determined your goal and strategy, you need to focus on your target audience. If you want your marketing strategy to work, you must know the expectations of your target audience. You should also meet their expectations, and get to know them.
- Selling Circle: Another thing to consider when preparing your marketing calendar is the selling cycle. You can add your selling cycle to your calendar according to the seasons and when people buy more from you.
- Important Days: Another thing you need to do to plan your marketing calendar is to set important dates and then add them to your calendar. You should definitely write the dates of things like holidays, company events, and anniversaries on your calendar.
- Project Duration: Another issue is how long your projects will take. When writing your projects on your marketing calendar, you also need to know how long they will take. Make sure to note the start date and the end date of the project on your calendar.
What Have We Learned from Creating a Marketing Calendar?
In this article, we talked about what a marketing calendar is used for and the four main types of marketing calendars. They include the content marketing calendar, blog calendar, social media marketing calendar, and e-mail marketing calendar. We hope we were able to help. Also, if you want to look into other alternatives, maybe these other digital marketing strategies will help you out.
Frequently Asked Questions About
Writers, social media experts, YouTubers, and bloggers should definitely use a marketing calendar.
In a marketing calendar, there should be information such as the name of your project, who is interested in your project, who will be involved in your project, and then about the scheduling, planning date, and publishing date. You should also add information about your content. For example, if you have created a calendar for social media, you should write the type of content, where it will be published, the category of the content, the target audience of the content, and your promises to your target audience. In addition, your marketing calendar should include advertising campaigns, events, pieces of content.
If you are concerned about how to prepare your calendar electronically and do not know where to create it, here are some tools you can use: Excel, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Microsoft Word, Google Sheets.
Marketing calendars are important because they allow you to be more consistent in your customer relationships, plan ahead and remember important events such as meetings. It helps you take action to achieve your goals. You can also be sure that planning, budget, and personnel work are done thanks to marketing calendars.
Thanks to the e-mail marketing calendar, you can optimize your campaigns faster, get information in advance to create content on time, and measure your performance.
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