Nowadays, in order to sell your eCommerce products, you need to customize your online website in a way that will attract more people or visitors to your eCommerce product page. Depending on the practices you implement on your eCommerce page, the visitors who are observing your website can even turn into actual customers who will willingly want to buy your eCommerce products, or in the best scenario, they will be your regular customers.
In today’s article, we will first explain shortly the meaning of eCommerce in order to clarify what today’s article will be about before we actually dive into the main topic. Then, we will give the best eCommerce product page practices that you can use on your website in order to attract potential customers to your product page.
What Is eCommerce?
eCommerce or electronic commerce means buying and selling goods and services online. In time, eCommerce’s activities on the internet have increased. The range of trading goods also increased due to the popularity of online shopping. The primary purpose of eCommerce is to help people in transactions without going shopping outside.
We can get to the main topic now that we have explained what eCommerce is. Let’s look at the best eCommerce product page practices that you can use to customize your website however you like to see it.
- Website Design
- High-Quality Images
- Online Transaction
- Reviews
- Mobile Commerce
- SEO Optimization for Your eCommerce Product Page
- Customer Support
- Social Media
- Create Your Own eCommerce Product Page
Website Design
First of all, it would have been better if we started with the root of the advice: your website. Before you actually start your eCommerce business through your online website in the internet, it is crucial for you to know how to customize and adjust your website and attract more visitors or soon-to-be customers to your website.
The term ‘’customize’’ means not only in terms of your website’s appearance but also your website’s inner construction. Let’s look at what you can do regarding interior and exterior views of your website.

Exterior View
If we have to talk about the facade of your website, you need to have a well-designed page for your website. What does it mean? It means your website must include an aesthetic design that will lead visitors to your website, and they will end up exploring your products. According to the concept of your product’s representative design, the presentation of your product plays a big role in your website.
Interior View
Secondly, being simple with the information you are going to provide to your visitors for the interior view of your website is essential. Your product’s information should be brief enough for visitors not to lose themselves in full, long paragraphs. The recommendation placement on your website and adjusting the streamlined checkout process for your product can increase the efficiency of your website.
As for the beginning of the eCommerce business, first impression is absolutely important for your website. Visitors who are going to check on your website may change their opinions just because of the poor design you used for the website. Just like the importance of human relations, the same rule applies to your eCommerce product page.

High-Quality Images
After we are done with customizing your eCommerce website in terms of interior and exterior view, the second most important thing you should consider applying to your website is using high-resolution images for your eCommerce products. Using high-resolution images for your product will increase your number of customers. Because you will run an online eCommerce website, your customers will not be able to touch, feel, or measure your product physically. Your job here is to increase your image quality so your customers can see your product’s textures in a detailed way. This will inform the buyer beforehand and help this person make a better decision about whether to buy or not the product, depending on that person’s decision.
Customers generally decide if they want to buy or not by only comparing the images of products to one another. And most of the time, they are prone to ignore the product’s information. In every online shopping website, images of products are included in the showcase of the website. People often want to see what they are going to buy. So when they can see the product’s image on the website, they will definitely believe what they see with their own eyes. After all, you can not earn someone’s trust without representing any product, right? So, using high-quality images on your website is an essential pillar of your eCommerce product page. It is because this will not only enhance your online website’s efficiency but also it will also make your customers more confident about their decisions when they are checking on your products on your website.
Customers generally decide if they want to buy or not by only comparing the images of products to one another. When you manage to satisfy your customers with your high-quality images, they will also be satisfied with what they are looking for on your product page. That will reduce the possible product returns.
Online Transaction
Online transaction is a payment method that helps you transfer your money through the Internet. Since eCommerce requires online payment methods in order to maintain online transactions, it is an essential part of your eCommerce product page’s growth. Here’s why the online transaction in your eCommerce product page is essential in various aspects. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the eCommerce conversion rate.

Reaching the Masses
Your eCommerce website provides a worldwide electronic online business. This means that the visitors who are checking on your website from all around the world will help you to enhance your customer base. As a result, this will bring along trustworthy customers who will want to be your regular customers. And they will recommend your website to other people to provide you with more customers for you to grow your online business.
Security and Privacy
In most cases, what makes the visitors concerned about your website is the lack of security and privacy in your website. If they feel insecure about their credit card information being leaked out, they will not be willing to cooperate with you and buy your products from your website. To prevent that, you need to take security measures in order to protect your customers’ online information. This will make them trust your website’s privacy and security system.

Payment Options
Restricting your options may lead your customers unable to buy the products they want. So, adding different credit card options is essential.
One of the best features of online transactions can offer you is product navigation and whereabouts. After you have entirely purchased the product you want, the feature that allows you to track down the whereabouts of your product will make you feel comfortable about the condition of your product.

Online payment systems can show your customers’ transaction history through the system’s data. Observing what most of your customers often buy from your website, you can adjust your eCommerce website according to the information you gathered and offer your customers the best options in a certain category they are interested in.

Even if you successfully customized your website and adjusted your product showcase to your customers’ liking according to your transaction history, the one who will potentially make the final decision in the online transaction is the reviews you added to your website or, basically, your customers who got their products from your website. Most electronic commerce websites have their review section. This makes it possible for customers to write their opinions about the product they purchased and rate the product out of ten in order to inform future buyers. Having the reviews section on your website is crucial because even if your customer sees the product’s image and decides to buy it, encountering the reviews section and seeing other people’s positive or negative opinions about the product may change the buyers’ decisions.
This will lead future buyers to make more organized decisions and make the final decision if they want the product or not.
In addition, depending on a certain product’s review ratings, people from all around the world may evaluate the product objectively. And you can actually figure out the negative parts of the product in your showcase. With that information, you can work on the weak sides of your product and make it more presentable to your customers. Improving your website and turning the negatives into positives will allow your website to show your customers more proper options. As a result, creating better options for your customers can increase the efficiency of your eCommerce product page. Remember, there is always room for improvement. If you work on your weak spots, you can create a better version of your website for your visitors and your future customers.
Mobile Commerce
Mobile commerce is another way of conducting your purchasing transaction. However, if we talk about the difference between eCommerce and mobile commerce, the most convenient one would be mobile commerce. Due to the increase in mobile and smartphone usage worldwide, almost every eCommerce website optimizes its website for browsing on mobile. So, it is crucial to not forget the fact that you should adjust your eCommerce website for mobile usage. The things we explained about the importance of mobile commerce are not limited to these examples. There are also several reasons why mobile commerce is essential in terms of your eCommerce product page.
Let’s look at the reasons why mobile commerce is important below. Also, learn more about mobile SEO too!

It Is Useful in Everywhere and Everytime
Since you can not bring your laptop everywhere with you and use it, mobile phones are convenient because we always carry them everywhere we go outside. That means you can also make an online transaction through your phone if you want to buy a product from any eCommerce product page. Considering today’s technology development process, this feature is extremely useful for those who spend their time outside a lot.
Instant Action
Smartphones allow you to access an online eCommerce website quickly. You and most customers can observe the product you want to purchase and buy it instantly. In addition, one of the best opportunities you get is to make your purchase outside of your house.

Mobile Transaction
In order to provide safe and quick purchases for the customers on your product page, you need to add mobile payments section on your product page. This will increase your product sales ratings.
SEO Optimization for Your eCommerce Product Page
SEO, also known as ‘’Search Engine Optimization,’’ is a strategy used to increase the ranking of a certain website in web browsers. The goal is to enhance the quality of the website and attract more visitors to that website. Using SEO on your website is extremely important because this is how you get more visitors to your website. Increasing the chance of being discoverable means half of the success of what you want to achieve. Suppose you have a website, especially the eCommerce product page. In that case, if you want to maintain, you need to apply an SEO algorithm to your website, just like every other eCommerce product page. Check our eCommerce SEO guide.
We assume you pretty much understand how important it is to apply SEO to your own eCommerce website. However, there are more than these reasons why SEO is important and why every eCommerce website uses it.
Let’s look at the various reasons why SEO is important for eCommerce product pages below.

More Visitors
We want to inform you that what makes SEO efficient is the visibility it provides to your website. The more your product page ranks higher, the more your product page will be popular. In addition, searching keywords related to your page will get you relevant visitors to your eCommerce product page. Check the best free SEO tools here.
Organic Traffic
If you manage to rank your website higher, it will also increase organic traffic to your website. That means you will not need to pay for advertisements in order to bring visitors to your website.

Effectiveness is Long-term
SEO is a good and long-term strategy for your website to attract more visitors instead of spending money on advertisements in order to attract visitors. Do an SEO check for your website!
SEO tools help you to focus on keywords related to your products. Also, learn how to do keyword research.
Customer Support
Imagine selling one of your products on your eCommerce product page through online transactions to one of your regular customers like you always do. Your customer gets the product, but something is off about that product. Your customer somehow got the damaged product, and the enthusiasm in that person’s face instantly wiped away. Since this person is your regular customer, that means they probably got more than one product from your eCommerce product page. What do you think the customer of yours will do about this situation? Of course, that person would try to contact the support. However, you did not add a customer support section that provides your customers assistance through live chat, for example. In the end, your customer is upset about what they experienced and gives you a big negative in the reviews.
Even if you meet every requirement for improving your website, unless your customers cannot contact you, it is impossible for you to maintain your website. It may not be as important as the other examples we talked about above, but it is still essential for your website to have a customer support section.
Let’s look at the reasons why customer support on your website is essential below.

Live Chat
When your customers are indecisive about what to buy, they can ask questions in order to get assistance from your customer support section. This will reduce your customer’s concerns, and you will earn their trust. The trust of your customers will continue to affect your website.
Create Another Customer Support Section
Another customer support section does not only consist of the inside of your website but also the outside of your website. That means you can create an email address or adjust the phone number for customers to contact support.

Social Media
You completely implemented every step and made your eCommerce product page better than its previous version. Your customers are happy about your products’ quality. The only thing you need to do is add social media buttons such as Instagram, Twitter (X), Facebook, or YouTube to your website. Adding popular social media platforms to your website can provide content about your eCommerce product page. It will also provide you with more visitors. The content that your customers give information about on social media is where you will attract more visitors to your website. People will see the content about your products on your eCommerce product page. They will also trust the quality of your products because your customers share your products through social media. In addition, introducing your product page to popular influencers and trying to partner with them will help you to get more visitors.
Remember, it is crucial to earn people’s trust because you are providing them a service. Don’t forget to check our Shopify SEO services!
Create Your Own eCommerce Product Page
In today’s article, we first explained what eCommerce means. Then we pretty much talked about every aspect of practices for creating your own eCommerce product page. The process of maintaining your eCommerce website will take months or maybe years, even if you implement the best practices into your eCommerce website. The most important thing you need to do is be patient. Because you know what they say: ‘’Small rain lays great dust’’.
Frequently Asked Questions About
Adding the section where customers bought the product you are looking for will do the work. If you manage to add an AI program or algorithm to gather information about customers’ commerce history, this will come in handy.
Product descriptions are important because they aim to inform your customers on your website. They must be informative enough not to leave any single question mark in your customers’ heads.
Customer reviews are essential for your future customers to trust your products on your eCommerce website. If you can not earn a customer’s trust, you will not be able to sell your products in the future.
Call-to-Action button (CTA), also known as the ‘’Buy Now’’ button, must be visible to customers in order to go to the next stage of purchasing your product.
If you consider the mobile phone customers on your website, it is essential for them to see the product’s price clearly.
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