Google Ads Management

Google Ads is an online advertising platform that allows you to advertise on Google search results and other Google-owned platforms such as YouTube. You can use Google Ads to promote your business and brand, increase product sales and make your services more accessible. Thanks to the ads you share through Google Ads, you can choose your target audience according to interests, location, age range, language, and many other criteria. Thus, Google will show your ads to users who meet the criteria you set.


You may have heard the terms “Adwords Account Management”, “Adwords Campaign Management”, or “Google Adwords Management” before. However, it now has a brand new name - “Google Ads Management”. With Google Ads, you can determine your marketing strategy with many different advertising models to grow your business and increase your brand awareness.

Determining your advertising strategy and ad campaign management in line with your marketing goal can be a very delicate and challenging process. This is because the Google Ads Management process includes many factors such as determining the right ad campaign, A/B testing, choosing the right target audience, and increasing conversion rates. It is crucial to master such processes in order to organize a successful advertising campaign.

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Google Ads Advertising Types

Google Ads offers users the option to run many ad campaigns. That's why choosing the right campaign type for your marketing goal and strategy is very important. Each type of ad on Google Ads has different advantages. That's why you need to run your marketing strategy with the kind of ad that best fits your ad campaign's goal. Having detailed information about these ad types is necessary to organize the Google Ads campaigns most suitable for your marketing strategy goal and perform Google Ads Management successfully.

Search Network Ads

With Google Ads search ads, potential customers see your product and service ads when searching for the words you specify. You can advertise in many places within the Google Search network. Within search network sites, ads appear at the top and bottom of Google Search organic results pages. At the same time, the Google Search Network covers many tools such as Google Play, Google Maps, and Google Images. This way, you can place your ads in many different areas and reach more people with search ads.

Display Campaigns

Display ads are available on most websites as small boxes at the side of the page or as banners in videos. Thanks to the Display Network, your ads will appear on millions of websites included in this network. Thus, visitors to the sites on the Display Network will display the ads you have posted. Thanks to the Google Display Network Targeting feature, your ads will only be displayed by target audiences meeting your criteria. With the audience targeting feature, you can also select demographics such as affinity, age, and gender, and then only the filtered target audience will be able to display your campaigns.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Search Ads create headlines and landing pages based on the content on your website. When a user searches about headlines, frequently used keywords, and terms on your website, they see ads created with content from your site thanks to Dynamic Ads. At the same time, you can automatically organize your keyword-focused ad campaigns with search ads.

Responsive Ads

Responsive ads are automatically adjusted to be compatible with the areas in which they are located. In this way, while an ad may appear responsively with a website’s theme and ad space, on another website, the same ad adapts itself to that website’s layout. In other words, Google displays responsive ads by adapting to the local theme and layout of the ad space and website.

Why Should You Place Google Ads?

Millions of searches are made on Google every day. Google Ads allows you to rank higher in searches containing keywords related to your products and services. Thus, potential customers see the pages you advertise in the search results, and your website traffic increases. In the meantime, Google offers the option to use the data obtained from the user base in advertising campaigns. Accordingly, you can determine your target audience based on many criteria such as age, gender, interests, language, and location. As a result, you can use your budget in the most efficient way. With Google Ads, you can measure the success and performance of your advertising campaign. Google Ads offers you the opportunity to learn many data, such as the ads users click on and the ads they add to the basket or make a purchase. This way, you can evaluate your advertising strategy and then optimize it.

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Google Ads Cost and Budget

You can set your own budget for digital advertising with Google Ads. Using the Google Ads budget limit setting feature, you won't spend more than the monthly budget limit. In addition to that, Google also allows you to pause and rerun your ad campaign anytime. Advertising on Google Ads is divided into two spans, "Summer Campaigns" and "Winter Campaigns". Google charges relatively more for summer campaigns. Although the cost of Google Ads varies, you can find the seasonal ad prices on the Google Ads - Cost page.

Why Should You Work with Google Ads Management Services?

Digital advertising agencies have experience in organizing advertising campaigns for many different clients. What directly affects the performance and success of your ad campaign are using digital marketing tools efficiently and managing ad campaigns, which is achievable through working with a digital advertising agency that provides Google Ads management services effectively. There are many factors that determine your ad campaign’s performance, such as analyzing the data suggested by Google Ads, choosing the right ad type and target audience, and other fine-tuning. Such factors must be carefully adjusted to optimize the budget properly and avoid wasting resources. In addition to providing the services above, a digital advertising agency ensures regular updating and development services for your advertising campaigns according to the ever-changing digital environment. You can also check our Instagram advertising services and our SEO consultancy to get more customers.

What is a Benefit of Advertising Online With Google Ads?

One of the primary benefits of advertising online with Google Ads is its ability to offer targeted and immediate visibility to your business. Unlike traditional advertising methods, Google Ads allows you to position your brand directly in front of potential customers who are actively searching for products or services similar to yours. This search-driven approach ensures that your ads are displayed to a relevant audience, maximizing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Moreover, Google Ads provides a flexible and measurable advertising platform. You can set specific budgets, track the performance of your ads in real-time, and make adjustments to optimize their effectiveness. This level of control and insight is invaluable in refining your marketing strategies and achieving a better return on investment. Thus, Google Ads stands out as a powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and drive targeted traffic to their websites.


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How Does Google Ads Campaign Management Work?

As Dopinger, when we run your Google ads accounts with our professional team, how do we continue the process? Let's examine together;

Target Audience Analysis

Google Ads provides users with the data it possesses for audience targeting. In this way, you can determine the target audience of your ad campaign based on detailed demographic criteria such as age and gender. Additionally, you can exclude audiences you don't want to be included in your target audience based on age, gender, interests, and other data. This way, the ads you post are only displayed to your target audience, created according to the criteria you set. Thus, you don’t waste your resources and can optimize your ad budget. Target audience analysis includes keyword research as well. By defining your target audience and learning more about their needs, you can identify keywords they use while searching for what they need. Dopinger helps with both analyzing your target audience and their needs as well as researching the keyword your potential audience is looking for.

Creating a Campaign

The first step in creating a Google Ad Campaign is to log into your Google Ads account and create a “New Campaign”. To assist you in this process, Google offers options related to your campaign goal. However, Google Ads also gives you the chance to create a campaign goal beyond the goal guide options. You can then determine the type of campaign that suits your marketing goal by editing the given options and settings. You can create ad groups for your different products or services and define specific goals for each campaign. Dopinger provides assistance throughout the campaign creation and management process

A/B Tests

A/B testing is a randomized experiment in which one or more variables are tested on a website. It requires regular a/b testing for ad campaign success and budget optimization within the scope of Google Ads campaign management. Thus, you can identify the changes you should make in the posted advertisements so that they will contribute to your campaign. Similarly, you can identify the elements that harm the ad quality rate with A/B tests and perform ad campaign optimization. Dopinger’s professional team runs A/B testing on different Google Ads campaigns and compares elements such as conversion rates or click-through rates. We perform A/B tests on your PPC campaigns, and PPC management becomes a piece of cake in the hands of our professional team. Especially with an e commerce PPC management implemented on your business carefully and meticulously, we see excellent results on a company’s monthly report. We determine the best and the most profitable Google Ads campaign for your business by testing all the variables and using our Google Ads and PPC management services.

Conversion Optimization

Conversion in ad campaigns describes how visitors who view your ad buy, sign up, add to cart, etc. The conversion rate increases with such interactions that occur as a result of the posted advertisements. Increases in the conversion rate also positively affect the return on investment (ROI). That's why conversion optimization is so crucial for ad campaigns. Thanks to conversion optimization, you can increase your return on investment and also plan your budget in the most optimized way. Dopinger offers conversion optimization services to increase your ad value and works on your ad campaigns to see what drives conversions to your ads.

How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goals?

One of the most direct benefits of using Google Ads is the ability to rapidly increase your business's visibility to a targeted audience. With Google Ads, you can precisely tailor your advertisements to reach potential customers who are actively searching for products or services like yours. This platform enables you to select specific keywords related to your business, ensuring that your ads appear to users who are already interested in what you offer.

Moreover, Google Ads provides valuable data and analytics, allowing you to track the performance of your ads, understand customer behavior, and adjust your strategies for optimal results. This immediate, data-driven approach helps in driving more qualified traffic to your website, enhancing lead generation, and ultimately boosting sales. By leveraging Google Ads, you can effectively align your marketing efforts with your business goals, whether it's increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales.

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How Does Google Display Ads Grow Marketing Results for Advertisers

Google Display Ads significantly enhance marketing results for advertisers by leveraging extensive reach and targeted exposure. By displaying ads across a vast network of websites, these ads connect businesses with a wide and diverse audience, going beyond the limits of traditional search advertising. This extensive reach is a crucial factor in increasing brand visibility and attracting potential customers who might not have been reached otherwise.

How Google Ads Help to Grow Brand Awareness

Google Ads is a powerful tool for enhancing brand awareness, directly impacting a business's visibility and audience reach. By utilizing Google Ads, businesses can prominently feature their brand at the top of search engine results, capturing the attention of potential customers actively searching for related products or services. This visibility is crucial for establishing brand recognition, as it places the brand in front of a targeted audience who are already interested in similar offerings.

Additionally, Google Ads offers extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor their campaigns to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that their brand is seen by the most relevant audience. This targeted approach not only increases brand exposure but also fosters a connection with potential customers who are more likely to engage with the brand. By leveraging the reach and precision of Google Ads, businesses can effectively boost their brand awareness, creating a lasting impression that can lead to increased customer loyalty and market presence.

How to Calculate ROI in Google Ads Consultancy Service?

Calculating ROI (Return on Investment) in Google Ads consultancy service involves assessing the financial performance of your Google Ads campaigns in relation to the cost of the consultancy services. Here's a straightforward method to calculate ROI:

Google Ads F.A.Q.

Click the questions to see frequently asked questions and their answers.

By using Google Ads, you can optimize your advertising online in many ways. You can identify your target audience, research keywords, and schedule ads. Google Ads management also helps with optimizing your budget and saves you from wasting your money. If these all seem confusing, contact Dopinger and optimize your Google Ads.

How much you pay for a click on a Google Ads ad depends highly on the industry you operate in. It also depends on the size of your business and what you’re aiming for. On average, you pay $1 to $2 per click.

Google Ads can help you advance your business goals in many ways. It can help your business image spread out quickly. It can drive traffic to your business online and in many other areas.

Google Ads generates responsive search ads with the headlines and descriptions you enter. Then, it mixes different combinations of these headlines and descriptions and chooses the best one that works.

Given that Google Ads brings so much more like engagement, conversions, and more traffic to your business, Google Ads management services are not expensive. Dopinger provides its clients with the most professional Google Ads management services at very affordable prices.

There are eight types of Google Ads campaign types. These are Search Campaigns, Display Campaigns, Video Campaigns, Shopping Campaigns, App Campaigns, Local Campaigns, Smart Campaigns, and Performance Max Campaigns.